Very Quick Fire Q & A with Big Phil Campion 

On His Career in the Army and SAS 

Here we  touch base with Phil Campion .Phil served with distinction  in combat operations around the globe  as a soldier in the regular Armed Forces -Royal Hampshire’s and as an elite operator with Britain’s SAS. He is now a much sought after after dinner speaker , can be seen on TV from time to time and is a published author many times over . 

What made you decide to join the army ? 

I had no qualifications and was stuck for work. I wanted a job which was offering me something different, 

I never wanted 9-5. 

Was the move from army to SAS a daunting one ? 

No, I felt it was progressive and it’s what I wanted to do. 

How long were you in the SAS and why did you leave ? 

I was there around 5 years. I bought my way out after a fall out with the head shed. 

If you had not joined the Army what would have been an alternative career choice? 

Genuinely I think I would have gone to prison. 

And finally. Should some form of National service be brought back today for the young people of the UK And why ? 

Yes in the form of social duties to teach respect 

Thanks Phil . 

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