Quitting Your Job 

when to quit your job

Every day thousands of workers think about handing in their notice. But is there ever a good time to quit? 

Certainly moving on to pastures new can keep things fresh and help with long term career plans. However it’s important to ask yourself why you want to leave before you hand in your resignation. 

Money, or lack of it, is one of the most common reasons behind any career move. When times are tough many businesses freeze salaries and cut bonuses, which is always bad news for employees. 

If you feel you are being paid significantly less than you deserve, your first port of call should always be with management. Asking for a rise can be scary but it could result in more money and ultimately stop you re-entering the job market. 

Knowing just how much you’re worth in the open market can also be very useful. Start researching the salaries of similar positions and if the pay is dramatically more, it’s time to take your talents elsewhere. 

For many people, a little bit of appreciation goes a long way. If your boss never seems to acknowledge all the hard work you put in, it can be really de-motivating. 

Worryingly, it can also be a sign that your skills are being ignored – decreasing your chances of a promotion. If nobody seems to notice just how much effort you put into your job, it could be time to walk. 

Your Continual Personal Development can also suffer at the hands of a disinterested employer. Workers who have been with the same company for many years can find they have outgrown their position but are simply left to fester. 

An employer who invests in their staff through on-going learning and training opportunities will nearly always have a higher retention rate than those who don’t bother. 

Sometimes taking a peak up the career ladder can give a clear indication of whether or not you want to stay with your present employer. If the thought of doing what your boss does fills you with dread, it might be time to think of a career change before it’s too late. 

Moving to another department can help but it’s crucial that you feel enthusiastic about your job. Think about what you want to do long term and start planning ahead to make it happen. 

Finally, but by no means least, if your job is affecting your health it’s time start looking for a new position. Long hours, tight deadlines and stressful situations can all take their toll – often leading to physical or mental health problems. Ditching a demanding job can give you time to recover and the confidence to start looking for a new position. 

Once you’ve decided it’s time to go, make sure you stay professional to the very end. You want to leave on good terms and with your head held high – not worrying about references and rumours. 

By evaluating your position and having the courage of you convictions there will be no looking back. 

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