The Big Day 

  • Don’t chew gum! 
  • Wear business dress – shoes polished, a must. Shirt and tie for guys, business suit for females. 
  • Take copies of your CV in a folder. 
  • Arrive on time. 
  • Greet the interviewer with a firm handshake and call them by his or her name, Mr or Mrs. 
  • Wait till you are offered a chair. 
  • Look alert. 
  • Focus on the interviewer but not in a stare-out fashion. 
  • Stress your achievements. 
  • Be positive and talk clearly – no slang. 
  • Do not complain about your current employer. 
  • Do not mention salaries at first interview. 

Ice Breakers 

The Interviewer may ask you if you had difficulty in finding their premises- do not give a big spiel in answering… nice and simple does it, “No problem at all.” 

If there is more than one interviewer, give each of them eye contact… this puts everybody at ease. 

Keep cool and breathe easily!! 

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