Keeping Motivated at Work 

Feeling motivated and energised is a wonderful feeling and place to be. The feeling of accomplishment, buzzing with energy and just getting things is a real tonic that we all want to strive for. The positivity this generates will get you noticed at work. Your Boss will compliment you and the rights things will be said about you by your superiors. 

But alas we are not immune from the stresses and challenges of modern life. Financial worries, work load, relationship issues among many other things are just part and parcel. The by-product of these negative aspects of our daily lives is stress and loss of motivation. Your performance will start to deteriorate and you will then attract the attention of your bosses for the wrong reasons. 

We can’t eradicate challenges of the modern world that is just life. But we can mitigate their negative effects so we can remain motivated and upbeat and perform beyond your capabilities at work. We have highlighted below some actions which should keep you fizzing with energy and perform well at your job even when the going gets tough. 

Early Morning Exercise 

Jumping out of bed first at 5.30 am to the vast majority of us will generate responses such as “you must be mad “or “you should get a life “but these standard responses illustrate that many miss the point of early morning exercise. In the mornings there are no excuses. The only decision is whether to get up and exercise, or press the snooze .Studies show that exercise brings many benefits and from a work perspective those who exercise regularly experience an improved ability to concentrate, make complex decisions, and to even reduce workplace related injuries. Exercising improves mood and lowers stress. It will help you start your day on the right foot and gives you the energy necessary to accomplish other tasks throughout the day. 

Spend time with co-workers 

It is really important to get to know the people you work with by grabbing a coffee, having lunch or even going to the gym together. As we spend the majority of our day with our colleagues in the work place, we should use these relationships to stay energised, we could learn about their hobbies, countries they have visited and also recommend their favourite restaurants .Learning about new things can energise us and bring new interests. 

Look for Inspiration 

Read inspirational stories and books and journals on techniques and methods of how to remain motivated by setting both personal and work goals, by looking at how others have remained motivated. Get involved in work trips and go to industry conferences which benefit us by widening our perspective and generating new ideas. 

Push yourself 

If you always do work that you’re comfortable with that’s fine, for a while you will get the job done. Eventually however you will start to lose your motivation and your performance will drop. When you push yourself outside of a comfort zone, inspiration comes about, similar to achieving a work out goal or personal best in a marathon .So always take on new challenges at work you will surprise yourself. 

Be sure to regenerate 

The best way to regenerate is to get a good night’s sleep .Sleep is so important for your body and mind and is nature’s way to get you back on a happy equilibrium. During the day it is important to get some rest through short breaks by getting up to make a coffee or drink of water. Your lunch hour is very important too, to keep you energised for the afternoon ahead .Go outside the office for lunch you will get fresh air and means you are away from your work station breaking the monotony of a heavy workload and gives you time to de-stress. After a break you will be energised and ready to get back to work. 

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