If something doesn’t improve your CV, leave it out. 


There is some crossover between clichés and overused buzzwords. The two are intricately linked, seeing as an overused phrase or wording is the definition of a cliché. 

Some buzzwords, however, are unavoidable. This might appear to fly in the face of what was written above but even if you show an employer how well you work with people, you will still have to express this ability in a phrase or word. Writing that you managed a team of employees during the Christmas holidays will still demand you use the phrase “team player” or “working in a team”. 

The best way to stand apart is to find new ways to express these vital characteristics. Using alternative wording, and steering clear of the clichéd buzzwords, will, without a doubt, strengthen your CV

Below are some overused buzzwords, with suggested ways to change them: 

·         People-Person – outgoing, pragmatic, charismatic, positive, optimistic, people-orientated. 

·         Highly Motivated – encouraged, inclined, interested, pushed, driven (a cliché too). 

·         Passionate/Enthusiastic – eager, exuberant, willing, zealous, vigorous. 

·         Team Player – working as a member of a team, valued (in a specific role) – avoid referring to yourself as a cog in a machine! This is a value best shown in experience. 

·         Good Communication Skills – this is also best displayed in your experience and ability to communicate yourself via your CV. 

Strong, action-orientated buzzwords will also fortify your CV. Here are a few examples of good buzzwords (although, if these were to become overused then they would too become clichéd): 

·         Increased. 

·         Established/Instigated/Introduced. 

·         Awarded. 

·         Transformed. 

·         Experienced. 

·         Ambitious. 

Many other similar words will assist your CV creation. See what you can come up with on your own or look to the internet for assistance. Just remember to make it your own. Nobody wants a copy and paste CV at the top of their pile. All an employer wants is to see a real-to-life image of their potential employee. 

Follow this short guide to clichés and buzzwords to help improve your CV. Once you have finished, you will definitely see and hear the difference. 

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